Saturday, August 12, 2006

Quick Veggie Saute'

This was one of those things where I threw together a quick dinner out of what was in the fridge and it turned out so good I thought I’d share it. We had this with roasted asparagus and I’ll tell you what - it was a delicious meal.

(Here is where the picture I took of the veggies in the sautee pan would be if my damned camera wasn’t broken. Feel free to use your imagination.)

I cooked these a bit slower than you would if you were making Chinese-style veggies and just a bit softer than tender-crisp.

Quick Vegetable Sautee

3 tbl. butter
2 cups of fresh sliced mushrooms
1 summer squash, halved and cut into 1/3″ slices
3/4 cup red onion, rough chopped into bite sized pieces
1-1/2 cups of fresh broccoli, chopped into bite sized pieces
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 tsp. grated ginger
1 tsp. teriyaki sauce
Kosher salt to taste
Fresh cracked black pepper to taste
2 tbl. grated parmesan cheese (not the powered canned kind)

Melt the butter in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms and cook and stir for five minutes. Add the summer squash, red onion and broccoli and cook and stir until the vegetables are just barely tender, approximately another five minutes.

Add the garlic, ginger and teriyaki sauce, stir and sample, then add the salt and pepper to taste. Continue cooking and stirring for approximately three minutes more, until the vegetables are done to desired consistency. Remove from heat and sprinkle with parmesan.

(Here is where the picture of the finished product plated up should be. Bummer that it’s not, eh?)

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