Saturday, August 12, 2006

Under the Sea Cake

My son asked for a blue cake for his birthday. He also wanted it to be chocolate. Blue chocolate seemed kind of tough to me, so I searched around the 'net and found pictures of "under the sea" type cakes. Here's my version:

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Is that cute or what??

There's no real recipe here. I used a boxed cake mix (chocolate fudge) and made two layers. I scooped about 3/4ths of an inch depth of cake out of the top layer and poured blue raspberry Jello on top once the Jello was close to being set.

Instead of using frosting between the cake layers I used seedless raspberry jam. That really made for a tasty cake, especially the next day after some of it got soaked into the cake itself.

The little fish are goldfish snack crackers with their smiles painted on with green icing. The grass is made from green fruit roll-ups. The frosting was white chocolate tinted with blue food coloring and the 'sand' is graham cracker crumbs mixed with a little sugar for sweetness. The Spongebob is a candle.

Since this cake has Jello on top it has to be refrigerated but that doesn't affect the texture or flavor one bit.

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