Sunday, April 08, 2012

Smokin' Time!!

I love this time of year - time to break out the grills and smokers!

Today I smoked two large chickens, some trout fillets and redfish on the halfshell.

Quick post - chickens were approximately 5 to 5 1/2 lbs. each. I butterflied them after a dry-brining (will write on this later), air dried them for two hours them threw them on the el-cheapo Brinkman water smoker. Smoking time for large chickens - 4 and 1/2 hours.

I also smoked trout fillets (small) and the redfish. I put the redfish on during the last hour of smoking and added the trout for the last 30 minutes, but the trout needed to be smoked longer. It was done but it hadn't had enough time to pick up the smokey flavor.

Anyway - I've had a hard time finding APPROXIMATE cook times on the internet - everyone wants to warn you of internal temperature. This is good information, but not helpful when you're trying to time your dinner. That's why I posted this and hope it helps somebody out there.

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